Office 480-607-9797
24 Hour Service 480-607-8209

Business Mission

Produce Meaningful Relationships with Meaningful Work with Commitment for Excellence.


  • Meaningful Work
  • Meaningful Relationships
  • Radical Truth
  • Radical Transparency
  • Open-minded willingness to explore harsh realities including one’s own weaknesses
  • A sense of Ownership
  • A drive for excellence
  • Willingness to do the good but difficult things


Be a learning organization of ambitious people committed to radical truth and radical transparency, by helping each other notice, observe and assess our ethics and capacities to produce satisfaction for all our “customers” with practical offers that manifest, demonstrate and display the highest of human virtues.

Building Community

We believe that every company is unique and that what compels one person, group or business may not compel another. At Jenco our philosophy is that the best communities have strong leaders that inspire leadership in others. Where contributions are rewarded. Where people are alive and activated.

Building a strong community means paying attention to what the community thinks and does. It means participating, getting out there, getting dirty, having fun together. Hearing others’ touching stories and sharing our own. Creating memorable interactions that positively impact people’s futures.

At Jenco, we don’t try to be everywhere.  But where we are, we are present, engaged and committed to lead.