Office 480-607-9797
24 Hour Service 480-607-8209


Be Part of a Team!

We are committed to building long-term relationships though meaningful work and a commitment to excellence!

Be Proud!

How cool would it be to drive by a building and be able to say, I was part of building that?!

Grow Your Life!

Jenco offers both professional and personal development opportunities!

Grow Your Career!

Our goal is to help you grow your career so you can take care of all your concerns and live what you consider a good life now & in retirement.

Have Fun!

We’ve done all kinds of company events throughout the years – picnics, bowling parties, Laughlin trips, Vegas, BBQs & Staycations!

Grow the Trade!

Have a passion for the electrician life? Take part in helping grow the trade! Jenco participates in different events throughout the year in a grassroots effort to get kids interested in becoming an electrician!

Current Openings!