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CFO Corner

Banding Together To Beat The Competition

Banding Together To Beat The Competition

Collaboration is a skill that asks people who work together to look beyond personal interests towards outcomes that will benefit the entire group. Collaboration is a great way to address challenges, since it has the potential to tap each person’s creativity when finding a solution to a problem. The workplace, similar to a sports team, is a competitive environment. Jenco is continually competing with other electrical contractors for more work from our customers and each…

Life Lessons I’m Thankful For

Life Lessons I’m Thankful For

At a very early age, my parents taught me about saving money for the future. I recognize that as one of the most powerful reasons for my financial success. It drove home a few principles that I live my life by: 1)      Always established goals for saving a portion of my earnings 2)      Always “pay myself first” before spending money on things that I could do without 3)      People who have all of the nice…

…Safely and at a Profit

…Safely and at a Profit

Jenco’s core offer is to put construction in place safely and at a profit for our customers and Jenco. We pride ourselves in being one of the safest electrical contractors in the valley which is confirmed by having one of the lowest EMOD rates among our peers. We strive to provide the safest environment possible for our employees as well as other people who are working on the jobsite. We understand that our safety record…