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What’s COS mean to you?

Part of Jenco’s Mission Statement is “to produce Conditions of Satisfaction,” but what’s that mean? Have you thought about it? What does it mean to you as a customer?

Satisfaction, in this instance, is the customer’s evaluation on whether or not they are willing to accept a product or service in the condition that it was produced. The customer is considered satisfied when they accept, transact (pay for it) and then have the willingness to transact again in the future. On the flip side, a customer is considered dissatisfied when they are not willing to accept it or they look for a different source to provide the product or service in the future.

Now let that truly sink in… It’s fair to say that what people say about being satisfied is actually irrelevant – their actions are what matter. Someone may respond, “Yes, everything was great” but then they never call for service again. Maybe they didn’t feel comfortable airing their list of grievances, or maybe they just wanted you to go away Producing Satisfaction– who knows, but we do know in this case that customer is dissatisfied.

Here at Jenco we are determined to produce satisfied customers. One of the practices we run through before starting a new project is what we call our Conditions of Satisfaction Process. We set up a time to meet with our customer face-to-face and listen to the customer describe what exactly needs to take place on the job in order for them to be able to declare they are satisfied when the project is complete.

By putting together the list of expectations in advance we allow our customer to know that we understand what the expectations are from the start. This is great for us, because it gives us check points to make sure we are fulfilling our commitments so that the customer is satisfied. And it’s great for our customers as well because they are not left wondering or assuming we know exactly what they want.

Now think of how you could use this same process in your personal life. Your wife asks you to run to the store to pick up some groceries. What conditions have to be met for her to be satisfied? Does she just want you to grab food for dinner tonight or for the entire week? Is she ok with just snack foods or does she want ingredients to make meals? If you ask these questions instead of guessing before you leave for the store, she’ll be much happier when you arrive home. Same is true at work. If you know the customer’s expectations up front, you will know exactly what you need to do in order to satisfy your customer.


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