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Beat the competition

Beat the competition

After you get home from working your 40-hours what do you do? The average American flips the TV on and zones out for five hours. They then spend another three hours on a computer or on a smartphone. Something that my years refereeing hockey taught me is your job doesn’t end when the buzzer sounds. You can never stop learning and working to improve yourself. You must act like your competition is training 24x7x365 and…

Innovation for our Communication

Innovation for our Communication

Do you find yourself regularly searching through your emails trying to find information from your project foreman that you know you read, but just can’t remember what exactly it said? Think about how much waste this activity contains. Can you imagine if you were organized in a way where you could dramatically reduce the number of times you have to rummage through your email folders? Or even better, can you imagine if all of your…

What’s it mean to be a team?

What’s it mean to be a team?

Do you remember when you were in school and your teacher would assign a team project? You either loved or hated team projects because you knew that every group ended the same; there were always a few that led the group and did a majority of the work, the few that contributed, the one that argued every point, and the slacker who did absolutely nothing but still got the same grade. It was bullshit, and…

Email, Call or Lunch?

Email, Call or Lunch?

Email is a wonderful communication tool that has drastically changed the business world over the last 15 years. The key though is to know when it is effective to use email verses when you should pick up the phone or use face-to-face communication to improve getting your message across to your listener. Face to face communication still remains the best and most powerful way of getting our message across. When you are in a phone…

Do All You Have Agreed to Do

Do All You Have Agreed to Do

Last year we finalized Jenco’s principles. The very first principle is: Do all you have agreed to do. This is so incredibly powerful. It seems so simple, but in my experience I’ve found that sometimes people just get busy and don’t end up holding up their end of the bargain. We’ve all been there before – we told Mike, who called earlier in the day, we’d get back to him with an answer by the…

How Can I Help

How Can I Help

What would happen if we went back to a barter system? You know, I’ll send out one of our service technicians if you change the oil in his van. Can you image how chaotic our world would become? I have to image that we’d quickly realize our true value in the marketplace as individuals. I further speculate that we would quickly notice how inferior we all are as individuals to cope with the harsh realities…

2 Seconds Gained

2 Seconds Gained

Do you count your steps each day? Not as a way to stay healthy, but as a way to track time? Imagine if it took you 45 seconds to walk through a maze of pallets and machines to reach material, only to reverse your steps to get to your work area.  Now imagine if you could reduce the time by half just simply by placing the material closer to you. Sure those 45 seconds don’t…

Reduce Your Downtime

Reduce Your Downtime

Most electrical failures occur because of increased resistance, which creates excess heat. This added resistance in an electrical circuit can be caused by loose wire terminations, faulty components, aging systems, overloaded branches or just poor workmanship. Through the use of a thermal camera, we are able to pinpoint problem areas and create an action plan for correcting the issue before the breakdown occurs – saving you time, money and lost opportunities. A huge advantage of…

Open Your Door!

Open Your Door!

For the last several months I noticed that Kelly has been leaving his door open all throughout the day – even when he is in meetings or at lunch. In my last two years of working at Jenco I’ve never known him to have his door open all day – he’d shut it during meetings or when he was super busy, but now it’s open 90% of the time. So I asked him, what gives?…

Do you improve everyday?

Do you improve everyday?

Can you say that you eliminate some form of waste every single day? As many of you already know, the Jenco team is on a LEAN journey and we recently took things one step further. Everyone in the office, our prefabrication team and a few of our Foremen read the book 2 Second Lean by Paul Akers. For five weeks we worked together to learn more about the different forms of waste, how to improve…

Why Satisfy Your Customer?

Why Satisfy Your Customer?

We’ve learned through our culture to always satisfy our customers. We’ve learned from endless experiences that when we don’t satisfy our customers, someone brings our failure to our attention and we observe the consequences. And those consequences are very expensive. Take acquiring new customers, for example, the costs of gaining trust with someone you just met is quite high. It takes a lot of time and energy for them to accept that you will do…

Perception is Reality

Perception is Reality

When I hear the claim “perception is reality” I shudder.  In one sense it’s, true but it can mislead us as well.  When we begin our awareness of “reality” we begin with our senses like sight, touch etc.  The problem is our senses are not how we know the difference between what is real and what is not real.  Our recurring experiences and our recurring intentions teach us what we “know” about reality.  What this…