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Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving

Although we have become increasingly dependent on our mobile devices and have become experts at multitasking, we must remember to sit our phones down when we sit in the driver’s seat. Did you know that transportation accidents are the leading cause of workplace deaths in the US and distracted driving is the primary cause of traffic accidents? Many companies have started implementing strict policies regarding cell phone use while driving company vehicles, and Jenco is…

Getting Worried?

Getting Worried?

According to a Gallup poll, fifty-nine percent of America is worried that they will not have enough money saved to retire. Are you? The dynamics of retirement have drastically changed over the last few decades. With defined pension plans now being a thing of the past, 401(K) plans are now the norm. Are you contributing to your 401(K) plan? Are you contributing enough? Here’s a scary statistic: nearly one third of all workers have less than…

Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight

Here at Jenco we talk a lot about being a learning organization and about all the opportunities that come with learning. This month we shine the employee spotlight on a favorite Superintendent who has earned his way up the corporate ladder. Ben Dallmann has been contributing to the Jenco business for over 14 years and he is an excellent example of what willingness, drive, learning and delivering with excellence can do for you here. Ben…

Running out of Steam?

Running out of Steam?

When you get up in the morning do you find yourself sluggish and dreading the day? Have you been feeling all-around exhausted on a regular basis? You may be experiencing burnout. Burnout is a state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. This occurs when we feel overwhelmed and unable to meet our everyday demands. It can feel as if you are a dog chasing its tail – feeling we…

What’s Your Style?

What’s Your Style?

How do you learn? Have you ever put any thought into this? Are you someone who needs to have something visual to understand what is being presented, or do you prefer if someone presents by just standing at the front of the room? There are many different ways that people learn, and everyone has a mix of learning styles. However, some people find that they have a dominate learning style based on the circumstance. Have…